May 1, 2022

Recognize Asian & Pacific Islander Creators on Twitch

API Creators on Twitch are multitalented, multifaceted, multidimensional, and can’t be defined by any one thing. So join us this Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month as we celebrate and recognize everything that makes them one-of-a-kind and the impact they’ve had on not just Twitch but gaming culture as a whole.

From Cosplaying, Song Writing, Community Builders to World Traveling, Horror Game Playing, Parents, you’ll be able to discover Asian & Pacific Islander Creators and their communities all month long on the “Recognize API Creators” shelf on the Twitch Front Page. We’ve also got a special week-long event you won’t want to miss. Read on to find out about everything we’ve got planned.

A Celebration of AAPI Game Developers & Creators - May 5-12 on /supershigi

Join game developer, composer, and creator of the critically acclaimed Rakuen, supershigi, as she spends the week highlighting Asian American Game Developers and Creators in a fun-filled series that will include live music and art, contests, interviews, and a special 13th “Birthday Party” for Plants vs. Zombies.

Showing Support and Fundraising for Charity

When it comes to charity, we know the Twitch Community is great at fundraising to make a difference.

With a wide selection of organizations supporting the Asian and Pacific Islander community on Tiltify and Streamlabs Charity, identifying a charity to support is made easy.

New to charity streaming and ready to embark on your first fundraising adventure? Check out our Creator Camp on Charity streaming for getting started, tips and more!

We look forward to the celebration, and we’ll see you in chat,


In other news
May 5, 2022

Finalize your designs and meet the cosplay contest judges for TwitchCon Amsterdam!

Finalize your designs and meet the cosplay contest judges for TwitchCon Amsterdam! Post
Apr 27, 2022

It’s happening, TwitchCon tickets are finally on sale!

Get hyped, grab your squad, and get ready because it’s TwitchCon ticket time! Tickets for TwitchCon Amsterdam are now officially on sale and you can buy them right here. Make sure to grab them while you can because tickets sell out fast! We can’t wait to squad up with everyone in Amsterdam 16-17 July.
It’s happening, TwitchCon tickets are finally on sale! Post