Apr 18, 2022

Creative Week: A Five-Day Celebration of the Twitch Community's Creativity

Ever since the Creative Supercategory was launched, we’ve been wowed by the creativity of the community across all sorts of mediums: Art, Food & Drink, Beauty & Body Art, Software & Game Development, and Makers & Crafting.

To celebrate the mobile launch of the Creative Supercategory we are featuring creative work made by some amazing featured creators who are artists, chefs, crafters, coders, body painters, and more in a week-long livestream on /twitch. There will even be opportunities to have artwork made by you and everyone in the Twitch Community featured as well. It all starts Monday April 18.

And there’s only one location prestigious enough for us to showcase all this incredible work.  A place that spotlights everything and anything art for millions to see. A place we’ve admired since we were kids. The fridge.


Is our refrigerator running? Yes, all week long on /twitch. Here you will find amazing artworks, delectable desserts, marvelous makeup and more displayed for all of Twitch to see. Tune into some of our favorite creators throughout the week to see what they do best as well as get some behind-the-scenes looks into their creative genius. And of course there will be some fridgeworthy fun in between that you won’t want to miss!

You can find our featured creator schedule here: 

Mo****nday, April 18

Tuesday, April 19

Wednesday, April 20

Thursday, April 21

Friday, April 22

How do I get my Creative work displayed on the Twitch Fridge?

All throughout the week we will be announcing daily prompts to get those creative juices flowing. Want to create something that showcases how “Bowser Goes to Dinner”? WE WANT TO SEE IT! Submit your artwork on Twitter and Instagram using #TwitchFridge and our lovely team of artists will work to get some of your art put on the fridge for all to see.

Daily Creative Prompts

  • Monday 4/18: Bowser Comes to Dinner
  • Tuesday 4/19: …But on Mars
  • Wednesday 4/20: Puppy Portal
  • Thursday 4/21: Teenage Mutant Ninja Anything
  • Friday 4/22: Final Level

Is a picture really worth 1,000 words?

Yes, but this week it can also be worth $1,000! You can submit clips of yourself showing off your art/creativity on Twitch. And while your clips don’t need to be recent, they must be clips that you, the artist, created. And 10 winners will be selected and contacted so they can collect their cold hard creative cash. For this sweepstakes, submit your Twitch clip here.

So what are you waiting for?! Time to showcase your CREATIVE side and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

See you on the fridge,


In other news
Apr 18, 2022

Twitch Gift Cards Launch In The UK, Australia And Canada

Twitch Gift Cards Launch In The UK, Australia And Canada Post
Apr 18, 2022